This organization shall be known as the Catalina 310 International Association, hereinafter called the Association.
The Association is a non-profit organization dedicated to furthering the enjoyment of ownership of the Catalina 310 and to promote comradeship between its owners. In particular the Association will:
A. Provide a subscription to the Catalina owner's magazine Mainsheet as well as Fleet newsletters.
B. Coordinate and promote cruising and social activities on local fleet and national levels.
C. Promote and maintain the one-design characteristics of the Catalina 310 yacht for both class and cruiser.
D. Provide a central information source for the maintenance and care of the Catalina 310.
E. Cooperate with other yachting organizations.
F. Promote the education of safe boating.
A. The Association has jurisdiction over all Catalina 310 class activities. Its Constitution, Bylaws and One-Design Racing Rules are binding upon all members and Fleets.
B. Prior to the eliminating or deviating from any of the requirements set forth in this document, written permission must be obtained from the Association.
C. All disputes concerning the interpretation of the contents of this document shall be resolved by the governing body of the Association, and all such decisions shall be considered final.
D. The Association reserves the right to declare ineligible any member who does not conform to the spirit, as well as the letter of this document.
E. The Association shall not be liable for any debt contracted by its officers, Fleet Officers, or members other than the expenditures authorized by budget, or upon the written order of the Commodore.
A. A Catalina 310 owner may join the Association through a Fleet or as an Unattached member.
B. A Fleet is the regional unit, as designated by the Association, open to all eligible persons within its area. It elects its own officers who must include a Fleet Captain, Assistant Fleet Captain, and Fleet Secretary/Treasurer. A Fleet is self-governing in all local matters not conflicting with the Association's Constitution, Bylaws, or One-Design Racing Rules and has the authority to accept or reject applications for fleet memberships.
C. Owners of Catalina 310 in areas where no fleet exists may make application to the Treasurer of the Association to become an Unattached Member of the Association. Unattached members are encouraged to make application to the Commodore of the Association to form a Fleet.
A. The purpose of a Fleet is to foster and promote the Catalina 310 class activities at the local level and to encourage participation by the individual members of a Fleet.
B. A new Fleet, consisting of two or more Catalina 310 owners may be chartered upon application to the Commodore of the Association. They must be members of the Association and not within the territory of any organized and chartered Catalina 310 Fleet.
C. Fleet Charters may be granted, suspended or revoked by the Association Governing Board. It shall take a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Governing Board to suspend or revoke a charter. Charters can be suspended or revoked for: Failure to maintain, in good standing, a membership of three Catalina 310 owners. Failure to file an annual report of Fleet members and dues. Failure to comply with the Association Constitution and Bylaws.
D. Suspended Fleet members and ineligible Catalina 310 yachts shall be barred from participation in any of the Catalina 310 races and activities. They cannot be reinstated until they fulfill all of the Association requirements.
E. The Association members in good standing of a suspended Fleet that failed to maintain the minimum membership shall be reclassified as unattached members until such time that their Fleet is reinstated.
F. Fleet members of Fleets which are suspended or revoked for reasons other than minimum membership shall have their Association membership suspended until such time that their Fleet in reinstated.
A. Regular Member - A Regular Member is an owner or part owner of a Catalina 310. He/she has the following privileges: holding office, voting, racing and membership in a Catalina 310 Fleet.
B. Unattached Member - An Unattached Member is a person meeting all the membership requirements of a regular member except that he/she is not within any Fleet territory. He/she is entitled to all the privileges of a regular member except for Fleet representation.
C. Associate Member - An Associate Member is a person who does not own a Catalina 310. This person does not have voting privileges, cannot hold office, but can command a Catalina 310 in sanctioned races.
D. Honorary Member - An Honorary member is a person selected by the Association who has an active interest in the welfare of the class. Honorary members will not hold office, vote, or pay dues.
The International Association Officers shall be Commodore, Vice Commodore, Rules Chairperson, Secretary/Treasurer, Technical Editor for Mainsheet Magazine and Association Editor for Mainsheet Magazine.
The International Association officers are to govern the association as desired by the members. The duties of the officers shall be as follows:
A. Commodore: The Commodore shall preside over the annual meeting, all special meetings, and the annual Class Championship awards dinner. He/She shall act as spokesperson for the International Association, prepare notifications and publicity releases, create temporary special committees of individual appointments and call any special meetings as the needs of the International Association dictate.
B. Vice Commodore: The Vice Commodore shall preside over affairs in the absence of the Commodore and assist all other officers as required.
C. Rules Chairperson: The Rules Chairperson shall rule on all questions and challenges relating to the Class Racing Rules and their interpretation and is responsible for verification of conformity to the Class Racing Rules of all yachts participating in Class Championship events. He/She shall propose amendments or changes to the Class Racing Rules for the Governing Board's consideration. And he/she shall prepare a summation of rulings for publication in an International Association newsletter and/or Mainsheet Magazine.
D. Secretary/Treasurer: The Secretary/Treasurer shall keep record of and distribute minutes of each meeting, all International Association publicity and all Class Championship notifications. He/She shall collect the annual dues, secure and dispense all International Association funds, and keep accurate financial records of said funds.
E. Technical Editor: The Technical Editor shall be responsible for maintaining an active Technical Notes column in Mainsheet Magazine. He/She shall respond to all incoming correspondence from the membership of the International Association pertaining to technical issues of the Catalina 310.
F. Association Editor: The Association Editor shall be responsible for maintaining an active Catalina 310 section in Mainsheet Magazine. He/She shall collect articles from each of the fleets describing fleet activities, from the Rules Chairperson summarizing any Class Racing Rules changes, from the Secretary/Treasurer about any official notices from the International Association, from the Technical Editor for the Technical Notes column, and from any member presenting stories of interest to all readers of Mainsheet Magazine.
Election of Officers:
The offices of Commodore, Vice Commodore, Rules Chairperson and Secretary/Treasurer shall
be elected at the Annual Meeting. Term begins January 1 and ends December 31.
A. Annual Meeting - The annual meeting will be considered desirable but, because of the distribution of members, optional. If held, it will be at some significant event such as the National Regatta, Catalina Rendezvous or Sailboat Shows where a significant number of members may already be attending.
B. Quorum - For purposes of conducting an Association meeting, 10 members representing three fleets in good standing shall constitute a quorum. However until the Association has four fleets, a quorum will be 5 members and until the Association has two fleets a quorum will be 3 members.
A. The fiscal year of the Association shall be from January 1 through December 31.
B. The Executive Committee shall fix the Association dues. The dues are not prorated, but begin and end on the anniversary of the member's application.
C. Members shall forward their annual dues to the Secretary or through their local fleet upon application or annual renewal. Payment of dues on or before their annual renewal date shall be the responsibility of each member.
D. In the event a member of any status elects to terminate his membership in the Association; all fees and dues shall be forfeited.
E. The Association shall not be liable for any debts contracted by its officers, Fleet officers, or members other than the expenditures authorized upon written order of the Commodore and one other member of the Executive Committee.
F. The Executive Committee shall have the power to contract for any of its business services and will review the contract annually for continuation, compensation, responsibilities and performance. All Executive Committee members are expected to keep expenses to a minimum.
G. The Association shall pay limited expenses of the Executive Committee members. These expenses shall include the full cost of transportation to and from the annual meeting at the lowest coach fares and for actual room expenses for a maximum of two (2) days, not to exceed $200.00 per day.
A. Each Catalina 310 member yacht shall be entitled to cast one (1) vote, regardless of how many members share in the ownership.
B. Voting by Mail or Email will be permitted, with a maximum time of 30 days to return the ballots, but no proxies shall be allowed.
A. Only the Executive Committee or Fleet Captains shall submit proposed amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws.
B. Upon receipt of a proposed amendment to the Constitution and Bylaws, the Secretary shall circulate the proposal to all members of the Association. Within forty-five (45) days after such circulation, any member may review and submit a written argument to the Secretary in favor of or in opposition to the proposed amendment.
C. The combined written arguments shall be circulated back to the members for reconsideration and resolution, within forty-five (45) days after the close of the review period above.
D. The Secretary shall then circulate a ballot to each of the members in good standing. Member ballots shall be returned to the Secretary within thirty (30) days of the mailing.
E. Amendments will be passed by simple majority vote of those ballots returned.
Any officer or member may be suspended or expelled by a two-thirds vote of the membership present for conduct or action deemed prejudicial or injurious to the Association.
A. Safety - Members and guests attending Association and Fleet activities shall agree to operate their yachts in a safe manner at all times. The decision of whether or not to participate in an event and the decision whether or not to start or continue in an activity is the sole responsibility of the member and not that of any person sponsoring or undertaking such activity. Members should inform all crewmembers and guests of their responsibility to sail safely. Members acknowledge that alcoholic beverages may be available to members and guests and that if alcoholic beverages are consumed, members and guests will not operate a yacht or motor vehicle.
B. Annual Inspection - All members agree to inspect their yachts annually to insure that they meet or exceed the United States Coast Guard safety standards.
This Constitution, Bylaws and One-Design Racing Rules shall be governing rules of this Association.
Established: August 2001
A. Annual Election - The annual election of Fleet Officers shall be held no later than November 30th. The Fleet Secretary shall file results of the election with the International Secretary and Treasurer no later than December 20.
B. Minimum Number of Officers - Each Fleet shall have as a minimum a Fleet Captain, Assistant Fleet Captain, and a Fleet Secretary/Treasurer.
A. Fleet Treasurer - shall file with the International Treasurer a corrected fleet roster of members showing name, address, phone number, hull number, yacht name, and berthing information along with a check for the National Dues by December 30.
B. Fleet Captain - shall file an annual fleet report with the Commodore of the Association each year two weeks prior to the annual meeting. The Fleet Report shall consist of: Names, addresses and phone numbers of Fleet Officers. Summary of meetings, newsletter content, racing, cruising and social programs and general interest items such as championship or special awards, sailing conditions, pictures and articles.
A. Association Dues - shall be payable each year on Catalina 310 owners renewal date. The Association dues will be as follows:
Dues for members residing in the United States shall be $20
Dues for members residing in Canada and Mexico shall be $24
Dues for members residing all other areas shall be $28
B. Fleet Dues - shall be determined by each Fleet and retained for use by the Fleet.
C. Collection of Dues - The Association dues shall be collected by the Association Treasurer.
D. Association Treasurer - shall account for the income and expenses of the Association and shall submit an annual financial statement at the annual meeting. Copies of the annual financial statement may be obtained from the Association Treasurer.
All Fleets shall publish a newsletter and send a copy of their newsletters to the Commodore.
Established: August 2001
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